UNM Holds International Accreditation Socialization

Makassar State University (UNM) held an International Accreditation Socialization in the Pinisi Tower Theater Room on Monday (22/2/2021) online using the Zoom Meeting application. Presenting sources Prof. Dr.. Ir. Shamsul Bahri, M.Si, IPU. And Dr. Budi Prastawa.

On this occasion, the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr.. Hasnawi Haris, M.Hum said that there are already 18 study programs that have drafted proposals that can be the initial capital to be followed up to the next process. There are 11 study programs in addition to 3 study programs that have received grants for the preparation of international accreditation at UNM, namely English Language Education S1, S2, and S3 programs.

Rector of UNM, Prof. Dr.. Ir. Husain Sham, M.TP, IPU in his speech said that UNM has committed each faculty to become a pioneer of international accreditation.

He appealed to the leadership elements, especially the dean to commit to racing to achieve international accreditation in each study program.

He asserted that he would give punishment to deans / leaders who do not perform their functions. The study program is expected to get international accreditation which can later make UNM better.

"I hope today's speaker, Prof. Budi and prof. Ancu can deliver better information and hopefully we can achieve the targets we have set," he hoped.

Prof. Budi in his material presentation conveyed that UNM is very visionary to become PTNBH looking at the indicators of requirements owned by UNM such as the number of study programs that have been accredited superior that can strengthen UNM when transforming into PTNBH.

"To become PTNBH UNM must have two main indicators, namely the commitment of the leadership and the probability of study program," he said.

Study programs that have had quality are then submitted to become international accreditation, then form a team for coordination and then form clusters to meet the criteria that have been set.

Also present in the socialization were the vice rectors, deans, Graduate Directors, bureau chiefs, Graduate Directors, and heads of institutions within the scope of UNM.