Makassar State University (UNM) held a workshop on increasing the capacity of lecturers and Key Performance Indicators of universities through independent student exchange programs.
This event was held on the 14th Floor of the Pinisi Tower Building unm. Monday (26/4/21).
In this activity was also attended by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Hasnawi, the Deans and a number of unm scope lecturers.
Unm Rector Prof. Husain Sham in his direction said that the independent program of independent campus learning can be assimilated continuously.
It is done starting from the level of faculty to lecturers who in this case as the spearhead of the learning process.
"I hope that the independent program of learning the independent campus of the Dean must be directly addressed, continuing to the study program and lecturers, so that this program can be sustainable," he said.
The owner of the Main Professional Insiyur (IPU) degree hopes that lecturers can follow this activity well in order to always be able to develop creativity and innovation.
"This activity becomes mandatory to be followed carefully. The success of this program depends on the role of lecturers who participate in the workshop, "he explained.
Present in this activity as a source, Dr. Andi Ilham, a working group team (Pokja) exchange students of independent campus.
In his presentation said the free student exchange is an inter-island student exchange for one semester that provides an experience of the diversity of the archipelago and the credit transfer system between universities equivalent to 20 credits.
"Providing a learning experience at another college through a credit transfer system to strengthen and expand competencies," he explained.