Makassar State University (UNM) should be proud. Recently, the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) through the Directorate General of Higher Education announced a number of campuses that are entitled to receive Digital Learning Innovation Grant (IPD) funds. As a result, UNM became the largest grant recipient among all universities that received funding assistance.
Four Study Programs at UNM successfully obtained one of merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka's grants. The four study programs are Chemistry, Guidance and Counseling, English Literature, and Fine Arts Education. No less than Rp400 million of funds were poured by the ministry to finance the winner of grants from the four prodi.
Rector of UNM, Prof. Dr. Ir. Husain Sham, M.Tp., IPU, appreciates the performance of Prodi and academic teams who have worked hard to achieve such funding through grant competitions. According to the rector of UNM two periods, the success of registering a name as the winner of the largest number of IPD grants shows that digital learning innovation at UNM gained national recognition. "This shows that the digital learning ecosystem on the UNM campus has been doing well. It is not easy to be the winner of the most grants like this," said the two-term Rector. Furthermore, Prof. Husain advised that the opportunity to receive this grant becomes a trigger to continue to innovate in learning.
News of THE success of UNM obtained the best results from IPD Grants was also justified by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of UNM Prof. Dr.. Hasnawi Haris, M. Hum. According to the former Dean of FIS two periods, the success of UNM to pass four Study Programs is part of MB-KM grants that as a whole have been proposed 29 Prodi and are processing six more Study Programs for Micro Credentials of Indonesian Students. The independence of UNM, according to Hasnawi can not be separated from the support of the university as well as the collective work of the Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) UNM Team with Prodi. "I am grateful to the MBKM UNM team who have very well organized the funding program from the Ministry of Education, especially related to the implementation of MBKM and the achievement of eight Key Performance Indicators (IKU) of UNM," concluded the Doctor from Airlangga University.
The Lecturer in Legal Sciences added, the qualification of UNM from the Ministry's evaluation became evidence that the academic and learning quality of UNM was able to compete nationally. "This digital learning innovation is a solutive step to answer the challenges of future education and today's pandemic situation," he explained.