The Dean of FIP UNM welcomed the Cooperation plan to be built between the Autralian Volunteer Program and the Faculty of Education and said the activity was one of the implementations of the FIP UNM Education Innovation Cooperation and Development Center (PKPIP) program tasked with building cooperation with national and international parties.
Saman added that currently the demands of lecturers are very high in conducting international publications, especially in scopus indexed journals as one of the conditions for lecturer's career development, so this cooperation becomes one of the solutions. "As the head of the faculty hopes that this cooperation can support the careers of lecturers who currently reach approximately 60 doctor-qualified people," he added.
In addition to the development of menusia resources, Saman also hopes that the exploration of the cooperation can also touch the development of Educational science for 7 (seven) study programs in the Faculty of Education, especially related to curriculum development and cooperation with international parties, especially in conducting research joins.
Annisa Husni Program Officer of East Indonesia Region, Australian Volunteers Program (APV) is an organization that has been around for approximately 70 years involved in building human resource capacity in Indonesia. The goal of AVP is to develop the potential of the organization and provide a team of volunteers in building human resource capacity. Some programs that have been running annisa said include English Academic Writing, Research Development, Website Content editor and Curriculum Developer.
Jon Hunter is a priority that is first so that gradually and in the process of assistance carried out by the AVP in terms of financing is fully borne by the Australian government which is oriented towards the increase in human resource capacity for the needy.