Announcement of Training of Trainer participants (ToT) 2021 LPM Reasoning UNM

Training of Trainer (ToT) is one of the work programs of the education and training division of LPM Reasoning UNM which aims to provide an understanding of the basic facilitation and provision of the ability to become a facilitator of LPM Reasoning UNM.

The ToT 2021 LPM Reasoning Committee announced participants who passed the Leaderless Group Discussion (LGD) stage and were entitled to continue to participate in the Training of Trainer (ToT) 2021 LPM Reasoning UNM. Congratulations to the 20 participants who have been selected to participate in toT 2021 LPM Reasoning UNM. Don't waste this opportunity to step in a better direction, stay optimistic and keep going.

Please access the following link to access the names of participants who are declared able to participate in toT 2021 LPM Reasoning UNM activities.

For participants who are declared entitled to participate in training of trainers (ToT) 2021 LPM Reasoning UNM, can follow the next stage of training for 3 days on June 25-27, 2021.

Arham as Chairman of the ToT 2021 LPM Reasoning Committee of UNM hopes that all participants will be able to implement the science of facilitation obtained from the activities of ToT 2021 LPM Reasoning UNM.

"I congratulate all participants who successfully graduated at the LGD stage and can proceed to the core activities of ToT 2021 LPM Reasoning UNM. Hopefully all of us involved in training of trainer activities in 2021 can learn and understand the substance of the activities that we will both participate in. So that in the future we can implement the science of eloquelitation with a strong and responsible basis" said Chairman of the ToT 2021 LPM Reasoning Committee UNM

Nopri Hidayat as Chairman of LPM Reasoning UNM also did not forget to congratulate the participants who successfully passed the LGD stage.

"I hope that the ToT participants who graduated are able to become reliable facilitators later and able to become more than we expected," he said.