LPM (Student Research Institute) Reasoning UNM (Makassar State University) became the champion of the National Symposium in the best paper category organized by ILP2MI (Association of Indonesian Student Research and Reasoning Institutions) at The State University of Jakarta.
Lpm Reasoning research team consists of Putri, Masriani, and Muh. Bili Akbar. Who then sent a study entitled "Design The Building of Microcontroller-Based Electronic Mushrooms". The results of the race were announced on July 4, 2021.
This event was organized by ILP2MI with the theme "Generation Z Strategy facing demographic bonuses 2030-2040". This competition was attended by various student research institutions from various regions in Indonesia which were held online with several stages.
Muhammad Akil S.Pd., M.T as a guidance lecturer appreciated the achievements of his guidance students "I am happy to hear that our guidance students have made achievements at the National level, namely the Best Paper Champion in the UNJ National Symposium in cooperation with ILP2MI, we hope that this achievement can be maintained and improved at other events". Please, Tuesday (6/7/2021).

Putri as the leader of the research team hopes this can be a step to keep learning and strive to make achievements. Hopefully this achievement can be a spirit for others to participate in similar events.
Furthermore, Chairman of LPM Reasoning UNM Nopri Hidayat said that this achievement is the fruit of the hard work of the research team together with seniors of LPM Reasoning UNM who continue to provide guidance and input for the research progress of LPM Reasoning Institute UNM so as to get maximum results at this year's ILP2MI symposium.
"Hopefully this achievement can be a motivation for LPM Reasoning friends to continue to be self-conscious in achieving maximum results," he said.