Pembukaan Pertandingan olahraga dalam rangka Dies Natalis ke-60 Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM) resmi dibuka. Dikemas dalam upacara pembukaan, kegiatan tersebut berlangsung di Lapangan Tennis Program Pascasarjana (PPS) UNM, Rabu (14/7/2021). Upacara pembukaan olahraga dihadiri Ketua senat, Direktur dan pimpinan PPS UNM, para Wakil Rektor, Darma Wanita UNM, Dekan, sejumlah civitas akademika lingkup UNM, serta peserta...Read More
The opening of the sports match in the framework of the 60th Dies Natalis of Makassar State University (UNM) was officially opened. Packaged in the opening ceremony, the event took place at the Tennis Court graduate program (PPS) unm, Wednesday (07/14/2021). The opening ceremony of the sport was attended by the Chairman of the senate,...Read More
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