Unm Planning and Cooperation Bureau Holds Bimtek Cooperation Application System

The Bureau of Planning and Cooperation of Makassar State University (UNM) held a Technical Guidance on Cooperation Application System (SIKMA) at Teraskita Hotel, AP street. Pettarani, Friday (July 16/2021)

The activities that took place from today 16 to 17 July 2021 were presented by each envoy in the field of cooperation in each faculty, head of ICT UNM and deputy director of unm postgraduate.

Head of the Cooperation and Planning Bureau of UNM Sarwati revealed that the activities that continued for 2 days aimed to build synergy between the unit and the head office in conducting data collection cooperation.

"This activity is expected to build synergy from each unit or faculty in filling in cooperation data in each faculty," he said.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector 4 for Cooperation and Planning, Muhammad Ichsan Ali in his direction said this activity was to provide reinforcement to the units and faculties in order to be able to accelerate, accelerate the filling of cooperation.

"This activity is mainly for operators in each unit or faculty as the spearhead so that data and cooperation information can quickly know that it can all increase our main performance points," he added.

He added that through this cooperation application, it is expected that all cooperation data in each faculty can be monitored and there is an acceleration of data filling that has an impact on increasing IKU poit.

"This application is data and standardization that continues to be developed from the ministry therefore, the ability to fill, so that there is an acceleration of filling data from the unit to the head office and to the ministry," he hoped.