FT UNM Himatic Association Successfully Qualified in Village Hero Program in 2021

Wira Desa Program is one of the Ministry of Education programs aimed at universities to find out the growth and development of entrepreneurial activities in the village, either group businesses and or individual businesses, old businesses and or new businesses that have the potential to be a driver of the village economy and become one of the advantages of the village (village brand).

The Student Association of The Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering (HIMATIK FT UNM) is one of the existing sets in UNM and participated in the delivery of the Village Hero Program Proposal in 2021.

Chaired by Jusniar who is one of the Students of the Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering PTIK, he and 9 other colleagues successfully passed the Village Hero Proposal in 2021 at the funding stage.

With the title "Innovation of IT-based Brown Sugar Business in Pataro Kec Village. Herlang Kab. Bulukumba" succeeded in bringing HIMATIK FT UNM to be the only proposal that passed at UNM in the Village Hero Program in 2021.

"Although there were some obstacles during the making of the proposal such as full online team communication, information communication from the village a few days was only there and everything was done 3 days before the closed uploading of files on the PHP2D web, but thank God everything was completed on time," said Jusniar, head of the HIMATIK FT-UNM Village Wira team in 2021.