Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM) mengadakan Pengenalan Kehidupan Kampus bagi Mahasiswa Baru (PKKMB) di ruang Teater Menara Pinisi, bertajuk: Generasi Pemungkin UNM di Era MBKM, Kamis, 12/08/2021. Kegiatan PKKMB 2021 yang dilaksanakan secara Blended, yakni memadukan antara luring dan daring dihadiri oleh Rektor UNM, Ketua Senat, para Wakil Rektor, para Dekan dan Direktur PPS, para Ketua...Read More
Makassar State University (UNM) held an Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) in the Pinisi Tower Theater room, titled: Generation of UNM Catalysts in the MBKM Era, Thursday, 12/08/2021. PKKMB 2021 activities conducted in Blended, which combines offline and online are attended by the Rector of UNM, the Chairman of the Senate, the...Read More
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