UNM PKM Team Makes Grain Stirrer Robot

Community Partnership Program Team (PkM) Lecturer from Makassar State University which carries the theme pkm Robot Stirrer Dry Grain Harvest in The Farmer Group held a devotional activity in Lempangang Village bajeng District gowa on Saturday, August 21, 2021.

The team is led by Prof. Dr.. Purnamawati M.Pd presented the Head of Lempangang Village, Village Apparatus, and a number of farmers in "Balla Rewako" a place that is commonly done for various village events. In the event was also attended by the Secretary of the Institute of Research and Community Service (LP2M) UNM Mr. Prof. Dr.. Usman Mulbar, M.Pd. also gave a speech and opened the event.

He revealed that "many community service activities that are classified by UNM are one of these activities that are very useful for farmers, especially the application of technology in carrying out their activities". First in his speech, Mr. Head of Lempangang H. Bohari Amin, SE expressed his gratitude for having been visited by the Service Team of UNM Lecturers. "I am very grateful today because our village was visited by lecturers from UNM who brought the devotional activities of Grain Stirrer Robots, just now our village was visited directly by the Professor before never" he said while responding to smiles and applause from participants.

For approximately 2 hours, the activity is carried out with several stages. The first gift of material by the chairman of the PkM Team accompanied by its Members is Muhammad Akil, S.Pd., M.T. and Nuridayanti, S.Pd., M.Pd. In his material, the Team gave the urgency of the implementation of pkm activities and their benefits for farmers in Lempangang Village. The next stage of the team conducted a demonstration of the operation of the tool in this case the Dry Grain Stirrer Robot which was directly demonstrated by Muhammad Akil. In general, robots made can run smoothly and flatten the drying grain, occasionally appears a robotic arm (stirrer) stuck on a tarp used to dry grain.

The robot is made approximately 2 months starting from the design stage, the selection of materials and components, to the assembly and trial process. At the beginning of the process of making robots, especially the selection of materials and the cutting process was also assisted by several students. Robots can move like a car by using a remote as a trigger. Occasionally the robot moves forward, backwards, turns left and turns right to flatten and stir the surface of the drained grain.
At the end of the activity, a number of farming communities provide input related to the implementation of activities and especially on the development of robots made.