Emerging From the Anxiety of Bullying Action, UNM Psychology PKM Team Successfully Develops Bullying Prevention Education Modules and Media

The Student Creativity Program Team (PKM) Social Humanities Research (RSH) Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) Makassar State University (UNM) conducted research on the development of bullying prevention education media to children. The proposed research takes the title "Media Treasure Map as An Increase in Prosocial Bystander Attitudes in Cases of Child Bullying".

The PKM-RSH research team led by Ainun Mutmainnah is a student of UNM Psychology class of 2018. Furthermore, this team consists of Andi Azwar Dwiyan and Afifah Azzahrah who come from the department of Psychology and Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) UNM. This team itself is guided by Lecturers who are also once Kaprodi Master of Psychology Program UNM, Dr. H. Ahmad, S.Ag. S.Psi., M.Si.

Team leader, Ainun Mutmainnah said that the purpose of this study was to provide a fun gaming experience for children but still provide value that can prevent bullying.

"The goal is to provide lessons related to bullying while playing interesting and use new methods so that students can apply the values learned in their daily lives," he said.

Furthermore, Ainun said that the reason his team raised this was because the act of bullying according to him was already classified as precarious so that further action was needed.

"Because there are so many cases of bullying and one of the most urgent things in Indonesia, so we made one of these media for children to learn to prevent early acts of bullying," he said.

Furthermore, team member Andi Azwar Dwiyan said that the research they have done has been adjusted to the implementation of health protocols in accordance with government advice.

"In the research that had been done initially planned to be done in schools, but because of the PPKM policy (read: The Enactment of Restrictions on Community Activities) in early August, we modified from trial participants to media forms," he explained.

FPsi students in the class of 2018 said that the next agenda is to upload progress reports and scientific articles to selected journals in order to follow the implementation of the 2021 PKM Implementation Progress Assessment (PKP2) online.

"What we will do later is to complete scientific reports and articles and God willing will follow PKP2 which will be carried out from next Monday to September 18 held through Zoom," he said.

Finally, Ainun hopes that later in the presentation they do can run as expected.

"Hopefully in the presentation at PKP2 later on September 13, it can run smoothly that ji," he concluded.

Prof. Dr.. Sukardi Weda, who is also Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Alumni of Makassar State University, gave high appreciation to the research team, from the Faculty of Psychology UNM, who has conducted research related to bullying, considering bullying or bullying is an act that can damage someone psychologically.