A total of 110 study programs within the scope of Makassar State University (UNM) cooperate with SEAMEO Regional Open Learning Centre (SEAMOLEC). The cooperation was marked by the Submission of the UNM – SEAMOLEC MOU and the Signing of a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) of both parties. SEAMEO SEAMOLEC is an institution under the Southeast Asian...Read More
The Teacher Professional Education Program (PPG) held a Coordination Meeting on Preparation for Implementation in the Department of Force l 2021, at Claro Hotel, Wednesday (05/19/2021) The event was attended by vice-chancellors, and all Lecturers and Teachers of Pamong, which will last 3 days, 19 to 21 May 2021 which is divided into 3 sessions....Read More
Entering the first day of work after the eid al-Fitr holiday 1442 H. Sivitas akademika Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM) conducted halal bi halal, Monday (05/17/2021) In complying with the health protocols each work unit visits the workspaces of each leader in the UNM Scope in turn. Rector of UNM Prof. Husain Sham on the sidelines...Read More
The Teacher Professional Education Program (PPG) held a Coordination Meeting on Implementation Preparation in the Department of Force ll 2021, at The Rinra Hotel, Tuesday (4/5/2021). The event was attended by vice rectors, Deans and Lecturers and Teachers of Pamong as many as 212 people. Head of PPG Darmawan program reported the number of PPG...Read More
The holy month of Ramadan is one of the right moments in strengthening the relationship between lpm elements of UNM reasoning. At this moment held a grand iftar held at the alternative secretariat of LPM Reasoning UNM (Rumah Nalar) Sunday (2/05), which was attended by builders, members and alumni of LPM Reasoning UNM. This event...Read More
Student Activities Unit Caring for HIV / AIDS and NAPZA Makassar State University (UKM MAPHAN UNM) conducted TOT Volume 1 (Training of Trainer) activities. TOT Volume 1 activities began with the opening of activities held through zoom meeting media on May 1, 2021 and this activity took place from May 1-3, 2021. With the theme...Read More
The implementation of computer-based writing examination (UTBK) for the joint selection path for state universities (SBMPTN) wave I and 2 at Makassar State University (UNM) is finally over and running smoothly. This was conveyed directly by the Rector of UNM, Prof. Husain Sham accompanied by the Vice Rectors, Deans and Leaders of the UNM scope...Read More
On the 17th of Ramadan is celebrated as the night of the Qur'an or the night of the descent of the Qur'an for all mankind through the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). For this reason, the large family of the academic community of Makassar State University (UNM) commemorates the night of Nuzulul Quran or...Read More
Makassar State University (UNM) held a workshop on increasing the capacity of lecturers and Key Performance Indicators of universities through independent student exchange programs. This event was held on the 14th Floor of the Pinisi Tower Building unm. Monday (26/4/21). In this activity was also attended by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Hasnawi,...Read More
Makassar State University (UNM) should be proud. Recently, the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) through the Directorate General of Higher Education announced a number of campuses that are entitled to receive Digital Learning Innovation Grant (IPD) funds. As a result, UNM became the largest grant recipient among all universities that received funding assistance. Four...Read More
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