IKBIM KIP UNM Perform Upgrading

The Board of The Bidikmisi Student Family Association and KIP Lecture of Makassar State University (IKBIM KIP UNM) Period 2021/2022 conducted Upgrading at Baruga Paralegal, Saturday (8/28/2021) which was carried out blended.

This activity aims to increase the organizational knowledge of IKBIM KIP UNM Daily Manager in accordance with the theme carried out is "Increasing the Capacity of IKBIM KIP UNM Managers who are Innovative, Communicative, and Beintegritas in Belembaga".
Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Alumni Prof. Dr.. Sukardi Vedic., M.Hum became an invited guest and also gave a speech online via zoom.
"I really appreciate the younger brothers at IKBIM KIP UNM for not making this pandemic condition as a barrier in activities," he said.

The event was also attended by the Chairman of the General Election Period 2015/2016 who also gave a speech directly at the location of the activity. "I hope that the management's friends can add insight and spirit of organizing after participating in this activity. I also want to say that friends do not become mediocre managers but must be innovators," he said.

Upgrading activities are carried out by complying with protocols to minimize the spread of Covid-19.