UNM Reaffirms 1000 Graduates of Priode April 2021

MAKASSAR -Makassar State University (UNM) again confirmed the new bachelor's graduation period of April 2021 Academic Year 2020/2021, in an Extraordinary Open Senate Meeting at pinisi building, . Thursday, (17/02/2021).

At the graduation event this time held two days, April 9-10 which is divided into 4 sessions in full offline. On this day there are 2 morning sessions starting at 08:00, and will resume noon starting at 14:00. It continues on Saturday, April 10 at the same hour.

So that the total graduation in April priode as many as 1,000 graduates.

Rector of UNM Prof. Husain Sham, said the new policy was taken as a tribute to the graduates by presenting graduates at the location of the activity, of course by complying with health protocols that apply in the midst of a pandemic.

"Our tribute to all of you, by entrusting you all at the graduation site even though the risk is tired," he said.

Furthermore, he hopes that the graduates are able to prepare themselves well to preach to the community.

"Show yourself as a professional scientist in their respective fields of science so that they are able to carry out their duties well in the community," he hoped.

On this day, the first session was graduated from the graduate program as many as 179 people and the Faculty of Psychology 44 people, and in the second session of the Faculty of MIPA 125 people, the Faculty of Science sosail 80 people, and the Faculty of Arts and Design 56 people.

As for the best graduates in each program and faculty, namely.

The doctoral program was achieved by Dr. Ns Muhammad Thabran Talib with a GPA of 3.92 from the Public Admistration Study Program, the Master Program was achieved by M. Reyfal Ade Fifky Syam dangan GPA 3.97 from the Education Administration Study Program.

From the Faculty of Psychology achieved by, Awaluddin Abdullah with a GPA of 3.51.

Just know at the graduation session that will be held tomorrow will be on a day directly by the Minister of Education Ristek / Head of Brin Prof. Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brojonegoro.