Makassar State University (UNM) managed to pass 10 students at the 2021 South Sulawesi Campus Ambassador Election and was recorded as the campus that passed the most students to advance to the grand final at the annual event.
This annual event was held by yayasan Sahabat Pemuda Prestasi Indonesia (YASPPI) to find outstanding students and have talents in various fields.
The names of UNM students who successfully qualified for the grand final of the 2021 South Sulawesi Campus Ambassador Election after going through a series of activities are: Thalia Anastasya Hutapea (Student of Education Administration FIP UNM), Zulkipli (Student of Physical Education, Health, and Recreation fik UNM), Muhammad Maulana (Student of State Administration FISH UNM), Sukma Riski Ananda (Student of Informatics and Computer Engineering FT UNM), Aroyo Rani Paramitha (Student of Business Administration OF FISH UNM), Putri Dzakilla Handayani (Student of State Administration of FISH UNM), Rachmat Alkautsar (Informatics & Computer Engineering Student FT UNM), Wahyuni Tapestry Cindykiawan (Student of Office Administration Education FISH UNM), Nur Aulia Syahbani (Student of Psychology FPsi UNM), and Amira Nur Khalifah (Student FPsi UNM).
Rector of Makassar State University (UNM), Prof. Dr.. Ir. H. Husain Sham, M.TP., IPU., ASEAN Eng. (PHS) feels proud and appreciates the achievements made by UNM students in the 2021 South Sulawesi Campus Ambassador Election.