Makassar State University (UNM) again held a graduation procession in August 2021 at the Teather Room of Pinisi Tower UNM, Jalan AP Pettarani, Makassar, Tuesday (08/10/2021).
Graduations are blended, combining offline and online, followed by 1,000 graduates each: Diploma Program 50 people, Bachelor Program 780 people, Master Program 146 people, and Doctoral Program 24 people
Only the best graduates of each faculty and study program are present directly at UNM Pinisi Tower with their parents, while other graduates follow online.
Rector of UNM Prof. Dr.. Ir. Husain Sham, M.TP, IPU, ASEAN Eng, said that although it was carried out during the pandemic, it did not reduce the meaning of the graduation procession.
"It is a joy for all of us, especially for graduates and their parents, that in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic we can still carry out graduation," he said.
Prof. Husain Sham advised, what the graduates achieved today, did not make them complacent, and continued their careers, especially education.
"We believe our graduates already have extraordinary competencies, educated for many years at UNM. We believe the alumni can do the best in the community. What students have achieved is incredible. Today's achievements do not make us complacent, but the starting point of knitting a better life."
The professor of agriculture said that college so far, not everything, is only the basis for learning. Studying specifically for Muslims is a religious commandment.
"Demand knowledge from the cradle to the burrow. I hope that you prepare well to devote yourself to society. Show yourself as a professional scientist in the field of science that is involved, so that he can become alumni of Makassar State University who are qualified and able to compete in carrying out tasks in the community, "he concluded.
Here is a list of the best graduates of UNM Period August 2021, namely, Doctoral Program: Dr. Salmah, S.Pd., M.Pd (GPA 3.89). Meanwhile, Master Program: Fitria, S.Pd., M.Pd (GPA 4.00), Diploma Program: Suaedi Masrur, A.Md (GPA 3.84).
Bachelor's Program: FMIPA: Nurul Fadilah Syahrul, S.Mat (GPA 3.97), FT: Citra Meisarah Asril, S.Pd (GPA 3.90), FIK: Bogani Ratu, S.Or (GPA 3.96), FIP: Ulfi Aulia Suratman, S.Pd (GPA 3.92), FBS: Putri Anugraheli Romba Orun, S.S (GPA 3.95), FIS-H: Makmur, S.Pd (GPA 4.00), FPSi: Isnawati, S.Psi (GPA 3.65), FSD: Aulia Dinasari, S.Pd (GPA 3.78), FEB: Sarmila Bahri, S.M (GPA 3.93).