Messy Code is not Technical Debt

In layman’s term, messy just means disorganised. And in the context of coding, it means pretty much that. Complex, confusing, disorganised; ultimately, difficult to work with. Needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding.

messy code

Code can be pieced out into separate scripts, or combined together, or shuffled around, or changed entirely. Don’t get stuck in a mindset where everything is set in stone and you’ll be golden. I’m working on a little game and it is getting more and more difficult to keep all my objects and classes organized. The benefits of a game jam spread far and wide, but above all else, they give you the most accurate simulation of real project management you will ever find outside the real deal.

You must set deadlines for yourself. At some point in your career, you won’t have the option to delay a deadline, and you must prepare yourself for that situation. When a deadline is approaching, and you’re not ready, don’t default to pushing away the date, even if there are no tangible consequences for doing so. Do what you have to do to reach that deadline (short of placing your own health and well-being at risk).

Messes Preclude Technical Debt

The maintenance required will be in fixing bugs in our system and adding new features, but creating all the different menus in our game will be expedited. Thus, the time this framework saves will pay off our investment, and eventually be a net-gain in time saved. It was then that I realised the importance of clean code, which went on to save a lot of my time and energy, as it has done for many other programmers. I feel like no matter what I do I will regret my choice down the road somehow. As the project balloons I never remember where I ended up putting a particular function and if I need to tweak it it is a real pain to look through dozens of classes to find it.

messy code

The story of how I transitioned from writing messy code to clean code, and why I suggest you do the same. Forager’s actual menus, which use this system, are code dumpsters. The decision to take on the debt of this system was made specifically because of the time it would save us. Not only does it make menu creation take roughly 80% less time than previously, but its stability means that it will seldom ever break down.

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There is an ongoing war between game developers about whether or not it is better to write highly modular code, or spaghetti code . Many who have spent a bit of time learning how to program have discovered the joy of wonderfully modular code and look down on those who write their code otherwise. On the flip side, there are those who argue that it doesn’t matter what your code looks like under the hood — if the game works, the game works. The closest thing to a right answer is a balance, and even then, it’s impossible to find that perfect balance every time. You’re going to want to change your code in a way that doesn’t fit super well eventually as you add new features. You can probably hack it in in a way that’s complicated and messy.

The object that is receiving the “thing” should implement a method to accept it. I do not guarantee any security when using these as the code is sloppy and bad. As a game developer, you are an accountant — not one who manages money, but time. You will fail, you will over scope, you will delay — but you can get better.

Messy Code is not Technical Debt

If the member will not be modified, it is better not to use set; to avoid any accidental modification in the future. If you want to return more than one result, the first thing that will probably come to mind is to create a class just for that purpose. This is a correct way to do it but not the best way to do it. Unfortunately, a small bug surfaced on Monday morning. I went through my code to shoot that bug, and it was hard for me to figure out where I’d lost my way.

  • Don’t always fight that — embrace its nature!
  • Some of these steps result in small messes.
  • I will add to that that singletons can be a little dangerous, depending on what you use them for and how much asynchronous code you have, so check into the downsides as well.
  • Clean Code is actually a prerequisite for Technical Debt. needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. Most important – don’t treat the permeation of mess into your system as something natural and acceptable. It is a metaphor commonly understood. While they may not like it, they do understand. Technical Debt is incurred today and needs to be paid down; preferably sooner rather than later what with compound interest and all that. I have no formal coding education, but I see how these principles are useful.

Finishing Your Game: Neat vs. Messy Code

During my game’s development I’ve learned various new coding tricks, tips, etc… And I apply those to my existing game code. I’ve gone as far as to change hundreds of lines of code to better clean up my project architecture. Think about an “Array” or “List” class commonly provided in the standard library of most programming languages. They typically have a “push” or “append” method (e.g. a method to accept) as opposed to every object in your program implementing its own “add_me_to_a_list” method. B.This has a low maintenance debt and saves lots of time in the long run.

Modularity saves us many headaches, allowing us to create more expandable games where we can add content faster and solve bugs more efficiently. However, modularity does not always save time, as, like all other actions in game development, it has a debt — a debt which may never be paid off. How do you know if you’re following good practices when programming in C#? And how can you avoid the bad practices that can make your code messy and harder to manage? In this article, we’ll look at five common bad practices, and explain how to avoid them by using some better alternatives. Now that you’ve been introduced to a few words in the coding realm, let me share my story with you.

I usually split my project into different namespaces, i.e Game.UI, Game.Movement, Game.Fighting, Game.Quests, Etc. And aasign each script to the relevant namespace. If you are going to use abbreviations, please, always think twice to avoid possible confusion in the future. Many times easy does not equal optimal.

A.This is a small investment for us personally. When thinking about clean code, one of the first occurrences may be to use initials to shorten the code in identifiers. This is a good practice but you have to be very careful with it. Why developer experience is the key to better software, straight from the… Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The Atlassian Community can help you and your team get more value out of Atlassian products and practices.

You must also accept that these practices exist for a reason. While you can still hold your liberty close to stay true to your own visions, a complete lack of organization and structure will sink your project. At no point am I saying that you can’t use the if statement for null checking, but by having the null conditional , we will get cleaner and easier to read code. Right now, naming that variable or building that helper function doesn’t seem critical… but messiness will catch up with you over the long haul.

It so happened that I completed my tasks a little ahead of schedule one Friday evening. Naturally, I rushed home to cool off with friends, my mind far away from the bulky codes I’d left behind.

But the IE/Edge will be messy code . Technical Debt is paid back through refactoring as our understanding of the domain matures. “The ability to pay back debt […] depends upon you writing code that is clean enough to be able to refactor as you come to understand your problem.” Not a one of them is Technical Debt.

It takes a lot of time to create a framework that can have all the flexibility and power we need to create menus in our games. While these experiences are something we can bond over as game developers, we should not accept them as immutable flaws in ourselves. When I started Blockchain Facts to work as a professional developer, I didn’t have a lot of idea about the code’s layout. My coding was limited to getting my machine do my work effectively, and I was content with it. There are two things happening here. One are the characters being exported properly.

The object design should change to reflect your current understanding of the domain, even if that understanding is partial. Technical debt is payed back through code refactoring as our understanding of the domain matures. Even if you go down one path, it’s never too late to refactor code later on down the road.