Closing training of LPM Reasoning COACH 2021: Training LPM Reasoning UNM Members to Become Reasoning Facilitators

LPM Reasoning UNM conducted Training of Trainer activities in 2021 which was officially opened on June 25, 2021. The number of participants who graduated as many as 20 people and who participated in the training as many as 19 people. Various series carried out for 3 days with the acceptance of training materials as many as 7 materials including: basics and role of facilitators, needs analysis, general framework of training design, training design methods, techniques of syllabus and lattice preparation, problem solving techniques and being a facilitator of reasoning. Followed by assignment after material that is sustainable. The results of the ongoing assignment will be presented at the end of the training on the agenda of the draft activities.

A total of 4 groups presented activities that had been assembled during the activity. The design of the activities presented is the online training of reference management mendeley, Eduwisata: training in the development of tourist parks in Maccini Sombala, Training in scientific papers and Explore your public speaking skills, show your quality. Then the planned activities presented will be responded to directly by alumni and members of LPM Reasoning UNM.

Arham as chairman of the Training of trainer committee said that until the closing stage of this training there were 19 participants who still survived. Understanding or knowledge that has been obtained by participants from the results of the training stage will be implemented to the target society that has been set before.

On this occasion also, Chairman of LPM Reasoning UNM, Nopri Hidayat said "in order to keep the spirit for participants to complete until the final stage so that in the future many facilitators who provide good contributions to LPM Reasoning UNM," he added.

This series of activities was then officially closed on Sunday, June 27, 2021 by one of UNM's Reasoning LPM Companion Andi Hilda Susilawati, S.Psi "hopefully participants who follow the Training of Trainer can become reliable facilitators. Training of trainers is very beneficial for yourself and others. Hopefully this activity runs smoothly until the seminar stage of implementation results, "he said.