Panitia seleksi (pansel) JPT Pratama Kemendikbudristek mengundang Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang memenuhi persyaratan untuk mengikuti seleksi terbuka jabatan: Kepala Biro Kerjasama dan Hubungan MasyarakatKepala Pusat Penguatan KarakterKepala Pusat Data dan Teknologi InformasiInspektur Investigasi Penyampaian-Pengumuman-Seleksi-terbuka-JPT-Pratama-di-lingkunan-KemendikbudristekDownloadRead More
The selection committee (pansel) of JPT Pratama Kemendikbudristek invites Civil Servants who meet the requirements to participate in the open selection of positions: Head of the Bureau of Cooperation and Public RelationsHead of Character Strengthening CenterHead of Data Center and Information TechnologyInspector of Investigations Submission-Announcement-Selection-open-JPT-Pratama-in-environment-KemendikbudristekDownloadRead More
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