Contents Show Off Your Studio Views OTHER WORDS FROM show-off I pruned off a few horizontal branches to keep the shape tidy. I am so happy with this shrub – it blooms reliably and the habit is extremely upright, which is exactly what I wanted along my fence. The bright yellow blooms go all...Read More
Pada 17 Ramadan diperingati sebagai malam Nuzulul Quran atau malam turunnya Al-Quran untuk seluruh umat manusia melalui Nabi Muhammad SAW. Untuk itu, Keluarga besar civitas akademika Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM) memperingati malam Nuzulul Quran atau malam ke 18 Ramadan 1442 hijriah di Masjid Nurul Ilmi UNM, Kamis (29/4) malam. Kegiatan tersebut berjalan dengan hikmat dan...Read More
On the 17th of Ramadan is celebrated as the night of the Qur'an or the night of the descent of the Qur'an for all mankind through the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). For this reason, the large family of the academic community of Makassar State University (UNM) commemorates the night of Nuzulul Quran or...Read More
Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM) menggelar workshop peningkatan kapasitas dosen dan Indikator Kinerja Utama perguruan tinggi melalui program pertukaran mahasiswa merdeka. Kegiatan ini digelar di Lantai 14 Gedung Menara Pinisi UNM. Senin (26/4/21). Dalam kegiatan ini turut dihadiri oleh Wakil Rektor Bidang Akademik Prof. Hasnawi, para Dekan dan sejumlah dosen lingkup UNM. Rektor UNM Prof Husain...Read More
Makassar State University (UNM) held a workshop on increasing the capacity of lecturers and Key Performance Indicators of universities through independent student exchange programs. This event was held on the 14th Floor of the Pinisi Tower Building unm. Monday (26/4/21). In this activity was also attended by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Hasnawi,...Read More
Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM) patut berbangga. Baru saja Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) melalui Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi mengumumkan sejumlah kampus yang berhak menerima dana Hibah Inovasi Pembelajaran Digital (IPD). Hasilnya, UNM menjadi penerima hibah terbanyak di antara seluruh perguruan tinggi yang memperoleh bantuan dana. Empat Program Studi di UNM berhasil memperoleh salah satu hibah...Read More
Makassar State University (UNM) should be proud. Recently, the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) through the Directorate General of Higher Education announced a number of campuses that are entitled to receive Digital Learning Innovation Grant (IPD) funds. As a result, UNM became the largest grant recipient among all universities that received funding assistance. Four...Read More
Rector of Makassar State University (UNM) Prof. Husain Sham together with the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Of South Sulawesi, Harun Sulianto signed a cooperation agreement related to the Development, Strengthening and Protection of Intellectual Property. The event was witnessed by Director of Copyright and Industrial Design...Read More
Rektor Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM) Prof. Husain Syam bersama Kepala Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Sulsel, Harun Sulianto menandatangani perjanjian kerjasama terkait Pembinaan, Penguatan dan Perlindungan Kekayaan Intelektual. Acara yang disaksikan oleh Direktur Hak Cipta dan disain industri Dr. Sarifudin berlangsung di Hotel Gammara Makassar, Selasa (20/04/2021). Kegiatan ini dirangkaikan dengan Kegiatan Workshop dan...Read More
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